SEO Copy Writing: 5 Check Points


  • Evergreen Topics

Evergreen topics are topics people will always be interested in.

  • Buyer Persona
    • What would Jane Doe be searching for?
    • What keyword would attract her to your content?
    • What type of CTAs will Sara engage with?
    • How about imagery?
  • Meta Data – Meta Title and Description

Check Points

  1. Content should be: 80% Evergreen Keywords; 20% Trending Keywords
  2. Create a Buyer Persona: Target Keywords & Content Towards That Buyer Persona
  3. Metadata should be for Humans as well as for SEO
    1. Always use the target keyword in Title and Meta Description
    2. The title should be 40 – 50
    3. Meta Description should be 120-130
  4. Basic Content/Copy guide
    1. Add the Keyword to Header and use a header for each page – 6 words or less
    2. Always use the main keyword in at least one heading and high-value related keywords in others.
    3. Copy – longer is better for most situations.
    4. main category and product pages, a minimum of 500 words
    5. blogs, the minimum is bumped to 1,200
    6. Add
      1. Bullet Points.
      2. Bold/Italics.
  5. Images
    1. Each Image Should Have a Unique Title & Alt Text that Includes a Target Keyword
    2. Alt Text should be 120 Characters